
Monday, June 18, 2007

Have You Robbed God?

Up until last year, my wife and I really never had any reason to tithe, to give the Lord back a tenth of our earnings. We lived in lack and poverty during this time. We did not realize how important giving back to the Lord really was. We never saw blessings come from God, until last year when we were properly taught about tithing. We now realize that all we own is God's. We can't expect Him to bless the other 90% if we aren't obedient in giving Him the first tenth of our earnings. I hate to admit it, but we were robbing God. Now that we have committed to tithing, our needs are being met. So rejoice in giving back to the Lord, and praise Him for the blessings that He will shower upon you.

Scripture Reading Malachi 3:8-10

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