
Monday, November 05, 2007

Are You Lukewarm?

How is your Christian walk? Are you hot? Maybe your cold. Or are you like to many other Christians, lukewarm? Jesus makes it very clear that He would rather see you hot or cold, not lukewarm. He goes on to say that if you are lukewarm, He will spit you out. OUCH!!!! Those are pretty strong words coming from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He would rather see His followers give their whole lives to Him then just part of their lives. You are better off being cold and having nothing to do with God at all, then being lukewarm and only giving God a portion. Don't even give yourself the option. Set you eyes on the Lord, submit your WHOLE life to the Him. Do not live a lukewarm spiritual life.

Scripture Reading Revelation 3:15-16

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