
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Little Light. . .

We all know the classic Christian camp song "This Little Light Of Mine." I had never thought about this before, but I don't think God wants us to have a little light shining for Him. I am pretty sure He wants a blazing fire in His children. The devil can't blow out a blazing fire as easy as he can blow out a little flicker!!!! I once heard a preacher say that our fire needs to be so intense that it starts those near us on fire. That is what the Father wants burning in us. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came as tongues of fire. We are filled with the Holy Spirit; we are filled with His fire. Don't let your light flicker and be in danger of going out. Keep fueling that blaze with the word of God!!!!!

Scripture Reading Acts 2:1-4

(Laura had an appointment today and the doctor told us to continue to be patient!!!! We ask that you stand in faith with us a pray that the baby will drop. Typical boy, taking his time and waiting until it has to absolutely be done. He must be my son!!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura mentioned to me that the baby had to turn . Has that happened? I hope you have this little one before we head west. love mom