
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Keep Your Hands Clean. . .

"Keep your hands clean." This is something we tell our children on a regular basis. Well, the same goes for our Heavenly Father. He wants us to keep our hands clean from all wrong. We are to use our hands to edify the Father in all we do. He even promises to bless the works of our hands. He will only bless them if they are clean. This is something I have struggled with in the past but have begun to correct now that I am living in the spirit. We need to start controlling what our hands do. For example, instead of flipping channels on the remote, flip page after page while you read the word. Instead of shaking your fist at someone in anger, place your hand on their shoulder and bless them. These are just a couple of many examples of what we can do as Christians to keep our hands clean. I challenge you this week to really focus on what you do with your hands. You will be surprised to see what pleases the Lord and what does not please the Lord.

Scripture Reading Job 17:9

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