
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Little White Lies. . .

My past consisted of lies and deceit towards all who knew me. People never quite knew if I was still drinking or if I had quit. I could lie with the best of them. This all started when I took on the life of the flesh. These lies all started with "the little white lies." You know, just bending the truth a bit. Like any bad habit, this became a stronghold in my life. It got so bad that I didn't even know if I was telling the truth or not. I mean I was also lying to myself. You know it's bad when you don't even know if you are telling yourself the truth. This is what happens when the father of lies has control of your life. Don't let the father of lies destroy you; let the Father of Truth give you life.

Scripture Reading Colossians 3:9-10

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