
Monday, January 01, 2007

Quick Study "Another Day. . .Another Year. . .Go In Peace"

From our family to your's, we wish you a Happy New Year!!!

Something I have discovered in my walk over the last year is peace. Even though I still come under attack with different issues in my life, I have a real peace about every situation I seem to come across. This is the type of peace where you know that you are the head and never the tail. The kind of peace you find when you turn to the Father and abide in Him. If you have never experienced that kind of peace, I challenge you this year to develop a strong relationship with the Lord. Be faithful and obedient to His word and His will for your life, and begin to live in peace. This will make every day in your life a joyful experience!!!!!

Scripture Reading John 14:27, Luke 7:50, 2 Thess. 3:16, Psalm 85:8, Phil. 4:7

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