
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Quick Study "God Can Use Anyone"

Last week I shared with you a vision that the Lord gave. The vision of a faith -based treatment center for people trying to break the stronghold of addiction. Well the other night while I was in the word, the Lord revealed to me the name of this center. The name He revealed to me was "Road To Damascus" Healing Center. It took me a couple of minutes but I turned to Acts 9. In this chapter we read about the conversion of Saul, who we later know as Paul. He knew He could use Paul in amazing ways. God didn't do anything to Paul to change Him. I believe it was His powerful presence that caused Paul's blindness. Paul still had to make the decision to follow the Lord. I believe this is how we are. God wants to use us but it is up to us to make the decision to follow Him. We are all guilty of pointing fingers at people who struggle with bondage and I believe we are all guilty of thinking, "Why would God ever want to use that person?" He had a use for Paul, a man who persecuted the church. He was full of such hate and resentment towards the church. Once Paul chose to turn his life around, the Lord used him for furthering the ministry of Jesus. Before his conversion, Paul caused huge amounts of suffering on the church. After persecuting for such a long time, Paul now became the persecuted. Well the same goes for people who have been bound for so long with addiction. In a way they have all persecuted the church and it's believers. Once they begin serving the Lord and not the world, they will be persecuted by others. The bottom line is that God wants to use us all in different ways, and we need to realize that we will suffer persecution from the devil and the world sooner or later.

Our goal is to see people released from the shackles of evil, and that is exciting!!!!!
This is a way for us to help people move out of the stronghold of addiction and into the stronghold of Jesus Christ. All believer's have at one time or another come down the "Road To Damascus." All believer's have been converted and the scales upon their eyes have fallen. Praise God!!!!!


Anonymous said...

We are praying for you, that God would lead each step of the way. You are a very good writer Joel, and God will use that in your life. mom

Anonymous said...

Joel, I sense Gods annointing on you and that He has a mighty plan for your life. Keep focused. Auntie Hilda