
Saturday, October 13, 2007

God Has A Plan For His Children. . .

God has plans for all of His children. What's even better is that His plans are GOOD!!!!! His plan for the faithful and obedient is to prosper, not suffer; to give you health and protection, not harm; to give us a hope and a future; not despair and short life. He wants to give His children what we want to give our children; THE BEST OF EVERYTHING!!!! This is my God, the loving, generous, considerate God. The God of TOO MUCH!!!! We so often dwell on the bad things (attacks of satan), and never dwell on the good (God's blessings.) I challenge you today to rejoice in all that is good in your lives. I recommend you do this. Why? Because it drives the devil absolutely crazy. With that being said, believe and receive the plans God has for your life.

Scripture Reading Jeremiah 29:11

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