
Thursday, January 18, 2007

Quick Study "He Is With Us Always"

Yesterday was a tough day at work. My job has been going great, and everything seems to be working great. I have a good routine. With that being said, we have a new District Manager who is out to change the world. My work load seems to be increasing by the hour. I was beginning to reach a point of anger when I realized that I have a friend that he does not have. The world has their way of doing things, and it is so easy to get caught up in their ways. Right away you begin talking with others and complaining about what is going on. We always seem to forget that we have a friend who is closer than a brother. We have a rock, a refuge whom we can roll all of our cares, concerns, and worries upon. The best thing is that He is always with us. I had to remind myself of this today. So next time something like this happens in your life, remember who is standing beside you. When the insults and demands roll of the tongue of the person who is speaking to you, let them roll right over you and onto the Lord.

Scripture Reading Matthew 28:20, Psalm 18:2, 1 Peter 5:7

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