
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Quick Study "He Loved Us First"

So many church's seem to have so much strife in them. Christians not getting along with other Christians; not walking in love together. It doesn't seem to matter what denomination, strife and anger seems to be quite common between believers. I'm not saying all church's and their congregations are like this, but we seem to hear about it a lot. We are to love, because He first loved us. While reading in 1 John 4, I realized how important it is for us as Christians and church's to be walking in love. It says in this chapter that if we hate our brother but claim to love God, we are liars. So we have no reason to hold anger against our brothers. If we claim to walk in love, we should be loving our brothers and our Lord. Are you holding any grudges, any hate towards fellow Christians? Choose to walk in love and don't be a liar!!!!!! If we truly love God, we can love all those around us.

Scripture Reading 1 John 4:7-21

1 comment:

The Keowns said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY GUYS!!!! Why do I always think your birthdays are on the 23? anyways, hope you guys had a great day!