
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

He Wore The Flesh. . .

For God to become like man, He had to send His son to live in the flesh. To live and walk on this earth as we do. I realized the other day while reading in Hebrews that there were many events that had to take place before the work of Jesus was done. The only way this could happen is if Jesus walked amongst us in the flesh. For example, Jesus died so we wouldn't have to; Jesus was tempted, which now allows Him to come to the aid of those being tempted; Jesus walked and used His hands, which gives us back dominion over where we walk and what we touch (which makes laying hands upon the sick so powerful); Jesus bore the crown of thorns (You may wonder where I am going now, but in Genesis it talks about the curse coming upon the earth, thorns and thistles rose from the ground to make working the land more difficult.) I truly believe in doing this, He won back our prosperity. He dealt with the thorns so we don't have to. He wants to bless the work of your hands, but you need to be faithful and obedient in all you do.
These are just a few examples of what I have found. That is why it was so important for Jesus to come in the flesh. For me, this was a whole new view of the Ministry of Jesus. This has really got me excited, and I hope it does the same for you as well!!!!!

Scripture Reading Genesis 3:8-24, Hebrews 2:14-18

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