
Monday, January 22, 2007

Quick Study "How Personal Is God?"

During bible study a couple of weeks ago, we were discussing how personal God is. We talked about His love and His blessings for His children. But there was one discussion that really showed me how personal He is. While reading in Luke 10:20, I began to realize what all of us who have a personal relationship mean to Him. Our names are recorded in heaven, in the book of life. I know that I have to do my part in carrying on the ministry of Jesus. The exciting part of this all is knowing that my name is written in the book of life. Now it is up to us to continue to fill the book. There are still many empty pages that need to have names written. So don't let your name be the only one you care about. Start spreading the word and filling the pages.

Scripture Reading Luke 10:20

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a challenge for me. To get out of my comfprt zone, and begin to share Jesus. mom