
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

There Is No Need To Yell!!!!

We often come across scriptures in the word that talk about crying out to God. What exactly does crying out mean? Here is what I don't think it means. I don't think it means that we have to scream and yell when we pray. God is always with us, He is right beside us. He hears you. If you have kids you how annoying it is when they are right beside you and yelling at you. We are God's children, so do you think it's different for Him? I believe when we cry out to God, it is the cry of our heart. The cry is something so strong and powerful that we need to bring to God in prayer. It says in Isaiah 30:19 that He will answer as soon as He hears. If He lives in you, He hears right away. Then it is up to us to listen for an answer. So next time you need to cry out to God, humble yourself before Him and speak to your Father. Treat Him with the same respect that you would expect your children to show you.

Scripture Reading Isaiah 30:19, Psalm 34:15, Jeremiah 33:3

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