
Friday, February 16, 2007

Quick Study "I Have The Authority"

I was considering taking today off from work. All day yesterday I contemplated whether I should go in or not. Well, I'm going!!!! The Lord reminded me yesterday that He has given us authority and power. He has given us the authority and power to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power that the enemy has to throw at us. Nothing he does can stand in our way. At my job he has chosen to use someone against me. To bad for that stupid devil. I have the power of God on my side and I am not afraid to use it, in the name of Jesus. I have been given the authority, along with every other believer, to cast the devil and his evil ways down. I submit myself to God; I resist the devil; and he must flee. I submit myself and this situation at work to God; and watch that devil run in fear!!!!! In the name of Jesus Christ, I have the authority.

Scripture Reading Luke 10:19, James 4:7

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