
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Quick Study "Do Good To Those Who Hate You"

Sometimes people can be down right mean and hurtful. We have all had experiences with people who seem to be out to tick people off. So what are we to do? People who live by the flesh will fight back; will try to get even anyway possible. Christians on the other hand are commanded by God to love one another. In Luke 6:27-28 Jesus tells us to do good to those who hate us and bless those who curse you. Easier said than done, right? If you are not walking in love, this will be impossible for you to accomplish. Trust me, I've been there a lot in my life. It has taken a lot of work to get where I am now. It is still hard to forgive people and let hurts go. There were a lot of people who hated Jesus and wanted nothing more than to hurt Him. What did He do to those people? He did good to those who hated him and blessed those who cursed Him. Unfortunately this is also going on in the Body of Christ. Believers are mad and holding grudges against other believers. If Jesus had done this with His disciples, His ministry would have fallen apart, kind of like a lot of relationships in the Body of Christ. I know its tough, but we need to turn the other cheek. Last but not least we need to remember that it is our actions that show who we are. If we act in hate and anger, who are we ever going to lead to the Lord? If we act in love and honor, our ministry here on earth will be so much more effective. I challenge you to ask forgiveness for any grudges you carry and begin praying for those you once despised.

Scripture Reading Luke 6:27-38

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