
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Quick Study "Unbind Him In The Name Of Jesus"

It doesn't matter where you look, there are people bound by satan's strongholds. I think what would be very surprising to believers is that a lot of people in the church are bound by these strongholds. For years I was one of them. I look back at how I hid these strongholds and now it makes we wonder how many people are still doing it. We have a purpose as individuals for bettering the Kingdom Of Heaven. We each have our own talents and gifts which the Lord wants us to manifest not only in the church, but throughout the nations. We need to be alive, both spiritually and physically to do the will of God. Trust me on this one, if you are bound by the devil, you are spiritually dead. If you are bound by the devil your ministry on earth will be ineffective. I think back to the story of Lazarus and when Jesus raised him from the dead. Back then when someone died they bound you with wrappings from head to foot. Well, when you are spiritually dead it is because satan has you bound from head to foot. Are you still with me? Good, because this is when we see the power of the Lord!!!!! When Lazarus came forth, it was the word of Jesus that said, "Unbind him, and let him go." Then you go on to read in John 19:40 where it talks about Jesus being bound and placed in the tomb. You have to remember that Jesus was not only bound in the natural, but since He took on the sins and all the evils of this world, He was bound spiritually at His death. In John 20:4-7 we read about when Simon Peter walked into the tomb and saw that Jesus was unbound and set free. Now its our turn. If you have any bondage in your life, God wants to unbind you and set you free. He wants to see the chains fall to the ground. If you are struggling today with bondage in your life, remember these words. . ."Unbind him, and let him go."

Scripture Reading John 11:40-44, John 19:40, John 20:4-7


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