
Friday, April 27, 2007

Quick Study "The Prosperous Christian"

The devil has a lie running wild through the church. For years we have been taught that God prospers some of us and the others He has made broke. I guess this would be our way of suffering for the cause!!!! Well, I used to think this way but since I got into the word, I realized that God wants His children to prosper. Over time I was taught that both Jesus and Paul were broke. I would like to shed some light on this. In order for a ministry to reach out, there has to be money. Jesus and Paul (in their ministries), both travelled a great deal. It takes money to travel. Jesus and His disciples were known to give money away to the poor. You can't give money if you don't have money!!!! The Lord wants us to prosper financially. With that being said, we have responsibility in all of this as well. We need to be faithful and obedient to the Lord and His word. We need to tithe faithfully, not grudgingly. We need to sow into other peoples lives. If you do these things, the Lord will bless you more and more. I would like to share a quick story with you. Our van is not running well, so last night my wife and I came confidently before the Father and asked Him for help. This morning when we woke up I checked my bank account and I noticed we received a large amount of money. I knew I was to be back paid for a certain situation. I was expecting a certain sum of money. What we received was triple of what we were expecting. I know this was from the Lord. Our faithfulness and trust in the Lord is so important. We just knew that once again He would come through for us, and He did!!! There is a way of thinking I have developed in my life. The more I have, the more I can give!!!!

Scripture Reading Phil. 4:17-19

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