
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Quick Study "Temptation"

Temptation, part of this life we have to deal with. The devil will badger us will temptation, trying to get us to submit to him. Did you know that if you submit all to God that He will help you through temptations? Here's an example for you. I wanted nothing more than to quit drinking and smoking when I was not living for the Lord. Everytime I said I was done, as soon as the temptation came I jumped right back into the problem. When I came back to the Lord, and submitted everything to Him, I was able to quit smoking, drinking, swearing, and all the other temptations that satan through at me. Since that time, the cravings for booze and smokes are gone; and I can't remember the last time I swore!!!! I am not a special case, anyone can have this. Why can we have this? In Hebrews 2:18 we read that since He was tempted in that which He suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted. Now tell me that is not an awesome promise!!!! He had to be made like us and had to go through all we do so that He can help us. I think that is pretty cool. So remember this, next time you are tempted, don't give satan the satisfaction. Ask the Lord for help, I assure you He will come to your aid.

Scripture Reading Hebrews 2:14-18

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