
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Quick Study "The Harvest Is Plentiful"

The Lord has prompted me to read and study the gospels. He has prompted me to dig deep and find true understanding in the ministry of Jesus Christ. The other night I was reading in Matthew 9 when I came across a passage which really opened my eyes. We are feeling a calling on our lives and this verse fits in with the calling. Jesus came across so many people who He felt compassion for. These people were distressed and downcast (lost) like sheep without a shepherd. In the next verse Jesus says, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." The understanding I received from this passage is that people who are not in a church and people who are in a church are often walking around like lost sheep. They have never had a shepherd, someone to teach them the truths of the gospel. They don't know how to tap into the harvest, the blessing that the Lord offers to the faithful and obedient. Jesus saw the need for these people. With that being said, in Matthew 10 Jesus instructs and sends out His disciples to spread the gospel and perform miracles. I believe when He saw how huge the need was, He knew that those He had discipled needed to go out and spread the word, whether on the streets or in the synagogues. We have been discipled and we realize that their is a need on the streets and in the church. There is a plentiful harvest of souls to be had; we are the ones who need to do the work. If you feel a calling on your life, don't ignore the Lord; do what He asks. May your harvest be plentiful!!!!

Matthew 9:35-38

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