
Friday, May 11, 2007

Quick Study "He Has Chosen Us All"

God is a good and fair God. A God who gives everyone the same opportunity; He gives everyone the same chance. I truly believe that He has called all of us. He has predestined a path for us to walk. With that being said, it is not His choice who follows Him; it is our choice. God couldn't save me until I asked Him to save me. This is why it is so important for us to spread the gospel to those who haven't heard the truth. It is up to us to spread the word. It is up to us to reach the lost. Once they have heard the gospel, it is up to them to make the decision to follow the Lord. When I say that God has chosen everyone, I mean everyone, even who we know as the scum of the earth. The murderers, adulators, liars, cheats, etc. They have all been chosen to be a part of the family of God. Like I said, it is up to them to make the choice to follow the Lord. He's got a plan and a purpose for everyone, not just preachers and ministers!!!!! I believe He has a purpose and a position for everyone who enters the Kingdom of God. There seems to be a myth that God has chosen some and the rest, no matter what they choose, can never enter the Kingdom of God. God is not a respecter of persons and He has given us all the chance to come to know Him. He has given us free will, hoping that we use it to follow Him. I believe it pains the Father to see people cast into an eternity in hell. I know He wants everyone to step into Heaven. Once again, this is why it is so important for us to reach out to others and lead them to the Lord. It's our choice to talk to people, it's their choice to listen, it's there choice to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. It's not His choice. . .it's ours!!!!

Scripture Reading Romans 8:18-30

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i participate in been following this blog because of some dilly-dally straight away occasionally, credible position by the passage