
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Quick Study "He Will Heal The Sick"

We would like to ask our readers to pray for a young girl we know who is in the hospital after having emergency surgery on Monday. Yesterday the Lord prompted us to go see her and her mom. We were able to spend some time in prayer for her and this attack from satan which has left her in a hospital bed for a few days. We reminded them that Jesus was wounded so that we can be healed. Her sickness is not an act of God. Her sickness is an act of the god of this world (1 Cor. 4:4). I mean what a perfect way for the devil to put fear into a family. Thankfully they understand this was an attack and they know who was behind it. God won't bring it on you, but He will make something good come out of the situation if you let Him. Thank you for praying for this girl. It won't be long and she will be up and about once again, and our feet will be planted firmly on the neck of the enemy!!!!!

Scripture Reading 1 Peter 2:24

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