
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Good Morning Manitoba!!!!!

I found access to a computer at my sister Jamie's place here in Abbotsford. I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers as I travelled out here for Erik's brothers funeral. Pray for me as I head home tomorrow (my flight leaves at 4:00 central time.) I've met some wonderful people while out here. The first night I was here I had a roommate who was willing to listen to my testimony. It was just neat to meet someone who shared the same passion for serving the Lord that I do. The funeral was an amazing time of worship and I believe everyone's focus was turned to the Father. Times like these are hard yet we as Christians can take comfort in knowing that we will see our loved ones again. God is a good God. . .we praise a wonderful and powerful God.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joel,
I'm so glad that you had the opportunity to visit Jamie and attend the funeral. God bless you for being faithful and obedient. I pray regularly for you and your family and for good health to Laura and your unborn baby. I pray for a safe trip home.
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

So glad you met osme people there, and were able to attend the funeral. are praying for you, as yo come mom