
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Got Milk?

Too many Christians are biting off more than they can chew. What do I mean by this statement? Well, let me explain. Too many believers are looking too deep into the word, without the understanding of the basics. They are going for the solid food before they have been weaned off the milk. Milk is for babies, whereas solid food is for the mature. If you give a baby solid food, the child would choke and gag. The same goes for many Christians. They will just choke and gag if they skip the milk and go straight to the buffet. As a child grows and adapts to the food they eat, a believer grows and adapts to the word. You have to start with the milk, for it's the milk that prepares you for solid food. The word will never make sense if we don't have the basics. If you are struggling with the word of God, go back to the milk. In time you will be weaned from the milk to the solid word of God.

Scripture Reading Hebrews 5:11-14

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