
Friday, October 05, 2007

And We Wait. . .

Laura has been induced and we are currently sitting at her parents place waiting for contractions to begin. The hospital wasn't very busy so we got in right away. She is able to leave the hospital for six hours, which means we have to go back at 4:00 (unless contractions start or her water breaks.) They did a non stress test this morning and baby is very active and very healthy. Pray for us as we wait. When Adam and Eve sinned, the curse came upon man. Part of the curse talks about how there will be pain and agony in child birth. Well we are excited that we live under the blessing and that we can focus on God. God is a God of comfort; He is a God of peace which is why we are believing for a pain free, supernatural childbirth. It was never God's will for women to suffer during child birth. We ask you, men and women of faith to stand with us and believe with us that this will be an awesome experience for Laura. She is focused on God which is allowing her to block out all fear. She has found many scriptures that she wants me to read during labor, so she can keep her focus. This will be an awesome witness to all of those involved. I will continue to keep in touch.
(Need something to read? Check out Deut.28)


Nichole said...

Waiting anxiously to hear the news...Lots of prayers for you all today!!

Anonymous said...

praying for you. we are currently at our hotel, so we will watch the blog/ mom