
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Applaude Her Effort. . .

My wife wanted nothing more than to have this baby naturally. She did not want to be induced. As of yesterday she gave up this dream. At her appointment today the doctor said it was time, so he scheduled for induction on Friday morning. Pray that all goes well between now and then; pray that she doesn't get bumped Friday morning. If she gets bumped, then she has to wait until Tuesday of next week. As for the girls, we don't want them to miss school and I can't afford to miss any work next week. Tonight will be spent with our girls, since it will be the last time for just the four of us (Laura's parents are coming tomorrow to watch them for a few days.) Tomorrow will be a day of getting the house cleaned up and preparing for Friday. We really didn't think that J.D. was going to be a Thanksgiving baby, but what better time for the birth of our son. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you all posted on any developments.


The Rowley Family said...

hope the rest of the week goes well. can't wait to hear the news! we're praying for you!!!

Derek & Jo said...

Apparently your little man has a mind of his own...which isn't necessarily a bad thing!!

We're praying!!

The Keowns said...

praying for a fast and safe delivery!