
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Authority Of The Believer. . .

"I bind the strongman and I am able to rob his kingdom." Matthew 12:29

"As a disciple of Christ I have the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever I bind on earth is bound and whatever I loose is loosed." Matthew 16:19

"Jesus has all authority and power in heaven and in earth and whatever is His is also mine. He gives me authority to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:18-19

"I am a believer and these signs follow me; In Jesus' name I drive out demons; speak in new languages; pick up serpents (deal with demonic powers); and [even] if I drink anything deadly, it will not hurt me; I lay my hands on the sick, and they recover." Mark 16:17-18

"God has given me authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power of that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm me." Luke 10:19

"Christ is seated in heavenly places and I am seated with Him. He is above all principalities and powers and all things are under His feet." Ephesians 1:20-22

"I submit myself to God, I resist the devil and He must flee." James 4:7

We will be attacked in our lives. We are spirits living in a fleshly body. We need to give God complete control of our spirit. The only way we can control the flesh is by renewing our minds and our spirits to God. The devil will attack our flesh, yet we can call upon the Lord and the devil must flee. God does not allow satan to attack us. We allow satan to attack us. When we allow satan to attack us, God cannot help us unless we ask Him to. God has given us the opportunity to come to know him. He has given us the opportunity to be under the blessing, and not under the curse (Deut. 28). He sent His son to die for us; and when He died He bore all of the curse upon Himself so that we wouldn't have to (Isaiah 53:4-5). We are seated in heavenly places with Him and all principalities and powers that are under His feet, are under our feet. We have authority and we do not have to be subject to the evils of this world. God doesn't want us to be pushed around; He wants us to stand up, call upon Him and exercise our authority against the powers of evil in this world. God is good, all the time, He is good!!!

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