
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pray For Our Community. . .

While thinking about what I should write, the Lord reminded me that we need to pray for our community. As Christians we need to unite and pray for our community and the communities which surround us. Yesterday I found out that the mormons have begun a movement in Killarney. I was told that they held their first service was last Sunday at one of the local hotels. I was also told that they have been canvassing door to door. In Killarney we are used to this since we do have a large number of Jehovah's Witnesses living in the community. The god of this world is one the move. We need to stand our ground and become united as church's, as the body of Christ. We need to focus on our outreach, whether through the church or our personal outreach. Let's face it; these cults target desperate people. We all know that the only answer for desperate people is God the Father. We need to be praying for our communities as well as helping those in need. It is up to us to give them the truth. Let's not sit back and think, "Well there's plenty of other people out there to help these people. Outreach isn't really my thing." Guess what? God's chosen us to spread the gospel; to reach out to the lost. Trust in the Lord, and seek the leadership of the Holy Spirit. This is the most effective way of spreading the gospel to the lost sheep in your community.
Scripture Reading 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

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