
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Abilities Of Demons. . .Instigate Deceit

Our text today comes from 1 Timothy 4:1-5, where Paul gives us the description of false teachers. Demons are the main factor behind deceit, and yes they love to be the instigators. As we get closer to the end, people will begin to fall away from the faith. They will begin to pay attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. This is already happening in today's society. Even in today's church the spirit of alcohol, infidelity, and homosexuality are becoming acceptable. Church leaders turning away from what they've been taught by the Holy Spirit and trying to "fit into the world" and it's corrupt ways. The devil has lost and he will do whatever it takes to bury as many people as possible. We must remember that satan is the thief talked about in John 10:10. The devil and his men are trying to distort the gospel. The devil has way too many Christians believing that God allows things to happen to them. The reason God allows things to happen to us is because we allow things to happen to us. If you move out of the will of God, you are allowing the god of this world to attack you. It comes down to us and the choices we make. It comes down to "Are we going to let God help us or will we do it on our own." It has become so important for us as believer's to keep our focus on God. The devil is spreading lies about God and we need to remember who's side we are on. We need to allow God to do the work in our lives. . .not satan. We need to stop allowing satan to work in our lives and then blaming God, asking Him, "Why are you allowing this?" It's deceit, instigated by the god of this world and his evil spirits. Once again, I encourage you to read todays passage and let the Lord reveal to you His truth's.

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