
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Christmas Season. . .

Before I get into today's study, I wanted to let you know that we are going to be taking a break from the series on Demonic Possession. The reason for this break is I need to do more personal studying on the topic before I can continue to write. Until that time, I will continue to write short daily studies.

Last weekend we had the opportunity to watch "The Nativity Story" which actually came out last Christmas. What an awesome movie which truly describes what Christmas is all about. Unfortunately the world we live in today has taken the "Christ" out of "Christmas". The whole world needs to watch this movie and remind themselves who this season is all about. We as Christians need to remember how important it was for God to send His Son for us. Jesus had to be born into this world so that He could deliver us from the things of this world. All that He went through, He went through for us so we would not have to suffer at the hands of the enemy. I challenge you this Christmas season to watch "The Nativity Story". I also encourage you to read the Christmas story in Luke 2. With the hussle and bussle of this season, let's remember to keep "Christ" in "Christmas".

Scripture Reading Luke 2

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