
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Armchair Christians. . .

We as Christians have become to laid back. . .we as Christians need to get off our butts. We have all been "Chosen" to spread the good news of Christ. Yeah, some of us are chosen to go into other nations where as others are chosen to spread the good news right here at home. The Lord didn't create our butts for us to sit on!!! He gave us legs (which we all know are attached to our butts) to walk with, to spread the word of God. The "Great Commission" is for us all. God didn't choose certain people to lead others to Christ. . .He has chosen us all. The Church has got too laid back. . .worrying about our own problems. Give your problems to the Lord, get off your butts and begin leading others into the Kingdom. Today's study is all about lighting a fire under the rear ends of Christians (myself included). It is time for us to do what we have been called to do. It is time for us to populate heaven. Don't be an armchair Christian, get out and do what the Lord has called you to do!!!!

Matthew 28:18-20

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