
Thursday, January 03, 2008

How Great Is Our God. . .

Today's blog is being written pool side at the Holiday Inn here in Winnipeg. We have been blessed in so many different ways this Christmas season. So many people have given so much to us. Today until Sunday we will be able to spend some much needed "get away time" with the kids. So many different people gave us a helping hand over the Christmas season and we appreciate all that we have received. To us this is such a blessing. . .to us it is also seed that we can sow into others who need it so much more than we do. As for this weekend, we praise God for providing us a way to spend time away!!! God is a good God, a God of blessing. We praise Him as He carries us through the rough times and we praise Him as He carries us through the good times. As of next week I am committing to getting back into the routine of posting daily studies. Until then. . .God bless as you finish up the holiday season.

1 comment:

Kathy's corner said...

Yes, it has been an incredible Christmas. Spending time with you guys, having Noah with us, Erin and the kids coming out. And anticipating Jamie and the kids ocming out. God is truly a God of blesssing. We anticipate the many blessings He has in store for 2008. Love mom