
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Paper Work, Paper Work, Paper Work. . .

Lots and lots of paper work involved in this process. Actually it seems as though our references seem to be doing just as much as we are. They are all good people who have taken time out of their schedules to help us fulfill our calling, and we thank each of you for your honesty and your willingness to do this for us. God is so good and he has brought so many awesome people into our lives. The support we have received in the decisions we have made has been absolutely amazing. It is so awesome to know that we will have such a strong group of Christians in this community backing us as we take the gospel to those who have never heard the word of God. God is so good and His love for us endures forever!!!!

1 comment:

Kathy's corner said...

hi there. how were the birthdays? Joel, you need to get a daily blog counter to see how many people check your blog each day. It seems only I comment, but I know many people check out the blog. love mom