
Thursday, January 10, 2008

We Are To Rule The Earth. . .

I have recently been reading Myles Munroe's book on prayer when something amazing jumped out at me. He was talking about authority and dominion, which we as Christians have on this earth. He talked about Genesis 1:26 where the Lord says, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule (have dominion) over all the earth." We were created to have rule over the earth. . .unfortunately we've made satan the god of this world. Not only that, we've allowed satan to convince us that we as Christians have no authority or dominion here at all. Well I am here to set the record straight!!!!! We have dominion over the world and all of the fleshly desires which it offers. We are the offspring of God. . .in Psalm 82:6 God refers to us as "gods". Of course we will never be God, but He has given us the authority to walk as Jesus walked. The last thing God wants to see His children do is stand back and get beat up. He wants us to stand up and take authority and be the men and women of faith He wants us to be. We are to rule over the earth. . .stop letting satan have control!!!

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