
Friday, October 27, 2006

Quick Study "No Matter How Deep The Stain"

So many people who become Christians have sins from their past that are so painful, so embarrassing. This is what it was like for me when I came back to the Lord. I used to think to myself, "I know He promises to forgive us our sins (1 John 1:9), but does He really mean it?"
Of course!! He means what He says. God cannot go back on His word. No matter how deep the stain, God can always remove it. Not only does He remove it, He forgets about it. If He forgets about it, we need to forget about it. Simple, isn't it. We confess our sin, He forgives and forgets our sin, and we move on to developing a life of no sin.

Scripture Reading Isaiah 1:18


Anonymous said...

Even when wew have been christians for years, we woder sometimes whether our sturggles are punishment for the past, but then god reminds us that our sins are remonved from us, as far a the east is from the west. what an awesome God. I am relly enjoying your quick studies Joel. Keepup the god work. How's the new job coming?? love mom

Anonymous said...

it was supposed to say good work, but I guess it is God work as well mom