
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Quick Study "What Do You Do With Your Worries"

We all seem to struggle with doubts and worries in our lives. This is one of satan's most powerful tools to destroy lives. For years my wife and I lived in worry, we lived in fear, and we had doubts with every decision we made. We may of thought we were people of faith, but we were not. Do you realize that doubt and fear are the opposite of faith? In Romans 14:23 we read, "whatever is not from faith is sin."
So what do we do to get away from the doubts, worries, and fears? We hand them over to the Father. He is our provider and He has promised to take care of us. So, next time satan uses doubts, worries, or fears against you, tell him to take it up with the Father.

Scripture Reading 1 Peter 5:7

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