
Friday, June 22, 2007

There Are Demons Amongst Us

The devil can't do all of his work without the help of little devils, or what you and I would call demons. One place I believe plays host to demons is our public schools. Since prayer was completely removed from schools around North America, violence, drug use, alcoholism, etc. have increased significantly. One other major issue that we are seeing in our schools is suicide. Now you may say to yourself, "It would never happen in our school", but it has or it will, as long as satan has a say. I grew up in a small town about twenty minutes from where we live now. Yesterday a grade 11 student took his own life, rocking a school and a small community. This was not the work of the Lord, but of the god of this world. I never knew this child, but I know how suicide and attempted suicide can affect a family. There is a strong demonic presence in our schools. We as Christians need to take authority over the movement of evil amongst our children. I pray faithfully for our public schools and it makes me so mad to hear news such as this. We need to get the love of Jesus back into the schools. We need to do things God's way, and not the way of the world. I ask you, as fellow believers, to stand in faith with us and pray for our schools and the children in our schools. Please pray for this family, who lost a child so tragically. Enough is enough, we need to bring the Blood of Jesus back into the school.

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