
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jealousy. . .

One thing I think we would all agree on is that at one time or another we have been jealous of someone else. I used to live a life where nothing I had was good enough. I was jealous of everyone else. In being jealous, I was never thankful for what I had. Whether it was money, a house, or a job, I was jealous. I used to think that God made life better for some than others. Now I realize He wants us all to succeed. He doesn't want us to be jealous of others; and others to be jealous of us. The Lord supplies all of our needs. If we are jealous of others, all we are doing is telling God that He isn't doing a good enough job. Focus on what the Lord has given you, not on what others have received. Give Him all of your praise.

Scripture Reading Proverbs 14:30, Ecclesiastes 4:4

(We will be gone this weekend to Laura's brother Ryan's wedding. I will try and post some studies. Please bare with us!!!!!)

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