
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Do You Need The Father?

I realized that over the last year, I have never touched on Romans 10:9-10. I have never given the opportunity to anyone who needs Jesus to accept Jesus. I was thinking today that maybe there are readers who are not believers, yet they want to know how to become a follower of Jesus. If your searching and you know its time for change, this is your chance. To become a follower of Jesus you need to ask Him into your heart. All you have to do is confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you shall be saved. It's that simple. Thus begins great changes in your life!!!! Submit yourself to God the Father and give Him control of your life. Let the Father lead the way. If you prayed this simple prayer, we would like to pray for you. You can write to us (in confidence) by sending an email to Let us stand beside you in your decision to follow Jesus. Hallelujah!!!!
Scripture Reading Romans 10:9-10

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