
Sunday, September 16, 2007

God's Love. . .

I have been given the opportunity in our small group to teach on "Love". This is a series I put together a while back that changed my life forever. I realized how much God loves us. I also realized that we have God's love in us. This was a real eye opener for me. I was the type of person who held a lot of grudges against a lot of different people. You can not operate in God's love if you have any hate or strife in your life. I'm sure there were people Jesus met during His ministry that irritated Him. What did He do? He looked past all of that and loved them. This is what we are to be doing. Since I have took on this life, I have began to enjoy being around others. Even when I'm with someone who gets on my nerves, I am able to look past that and find the good in that person. It is time for us as Christians to walk in love. Jesus never held a grudge, so why should we.

Scripture Reading 1 John 4:19, John 13:34-35, 1 John 4:11

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