
Monday, September 17, 2007

Would You Lay Down Your Life. . .

God did an amazing thing when He sent His son to die for us and deliver us from a world riddled with sin. Jesus laid down His life for you and me, not only when He died, but during His ministry as well. Jesus always gave up what He was doing to help someone else in need. I believe this is where the lesson is when we read about laying our lives down for others. We need to quit thinking about ourselves and our needs. We need to lay that selfishness down and lift our brothers and sisters up. There is only one way we can accomplish such a huge task. We need to be walking in love. God is love; selfishness is the root of all evil. As Christians we have been called to lay down our lives for others. So I challenge you to push aside the selfish behavior, and focus on changing the lives of others. Let the Holy Spirit direct you in all you do, and leave your old selfish life behind.

Scripture Reading John 15:9, Galatians 2:20, John 10:11

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