
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

There Is Only 1 God. . .

"You shall have no other gods before Me." Exodus 20:3

There are a lot of Christians who take this verse to mean "idols". What God is talking about here is not only idols, but all the other things that we choose to put before Him. For example, many people put money, their jobs, addictions, and what they do with spare time before God. I was guilty of this for years. So what did I do? I learn't to give Him my first fruits in the morning before I leave for work; in the afternoon when I arrive home from work; and in the evening before I go to sleep. This doesn't include when I just pick up the word to read.
Another example is faith. We live by faith knowing that the Lord will always help us. In faith we are giving Him our undivided attention. If we are not in faith but in doubt, we are putting doubt and worry before the Father. In a way, doubt and worry could be considered "gods".
Seperate yourselves from the god's of this world and give the Father your full, undivided attention. He will supply all your needs!!!!!!

Scripture Reading Exodus 20:3-6

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