
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Feel Free To Pass This On . . .

If you enjoy the "Quick Studies" which I post daily on this blog, feel free to pass them on. Our prayer and our heart's desire is to have these studies available in as many homes as possible. We see those who read these daily studies as our partners and we thank you for your constant prayers as God continues to bless "Way Of The Lord" Ministries and "Road To Damascus" Healing Center. We thank the Lord for the topics He continues to give us to write about on a daily basis and we praise Him for the changes that these studies are making in people's lives. Feel free to give our blog address to your neighbors, friends, and even your church. We thank you and we love you. (In case you have not yet read todays study, it is below.)

Love in Jesus,

Joel and Laura Harder
Box 1175
Killarney, MB
R0K 1G0
Feel free to write, email, or even leave a comment on our daily blog. We would love to hear your prayer and praise reports.

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