
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Quick Study "He Has Set Your Heart Free"

As I pondered what to write about today, I looked over to my left and saw a Promise Keepers pamphlet for the March 9+10 conference in Winnipeg. This got me thinking about how much I enjoy that one weekend a year. Well, for too many men that's all it is, one weekend a year. One weekend a year to be fired up. Guess what? You can have that fire 365 days a year. The most common remark I have heard after a PK's Conference is, "I wish I could always feel that way." I am here to inform you that the Holy Spirit is always with you and is always at work, not just on March 9+10!!!! As long as you are following in His commandments and are faithful and obedient to His word, you will constantly be on fire. He has set your heart free!!!!! I encourage you, men, to check this conference out. I have nothing but good things to say about what Promise Keeper's is doing. I guess you could say I am giving them a plug. Hope to see you there.

Scripture Reading Psalm 119:32-40
(If you missed it yesterday, there is a special message below.)

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