
Monday, January 08, 2007


Amazing things are happening everyday through this ministry. I would like to share with you something amazing that has happened to me today. We all know that our ministry here on earth is to lead people to the Lord. I know this is a responsibility I have as a Christian. I also know that in time the Lord reveals more to us that we can do to better the Kingdom of God. He will use all of us differently in our ministries. I have had thoughts for a long time on a certain area, and today it was revealed to me the direction "Way Of The Lord" Ministries is to go.

I have a passion for people struggling with addiction, habits, strongholds, etc. I realize that I have a very powerful testimony that can be used to help break these strongholds. A passion and a testimony that will lead people to Christ, and to the truth of His word. It is time to set our minds on the Lord and His direction for this ministry.

We ask for your prayers and at the same time thank you for your prayers. With your prayers and support we can begin to change the lives of others. This has become my passion, and I hope one day to devote my time completely to the Lord and this ministry, making it my full time focus.

We praise God for your support and your prayers. It is time to break these curses and strongholds in people's lives. Stand in faith with us as we seek the Lord on how He wants us to set this all up so that it will be a successful, God focused; word focused ministry.

When you have an addiction, it is because you have made yourself a slave to a master. We need to show people that there is only one master that we should be slaves to. There is only one stronghold that we need. It is time to make a difference in this world. It is time to fix and increase the numbers in the Body of Christ.

Thank You

Joel Harder (Todays study is below. . .Enjoy!!!!)

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