
Sunday, January 07, 2007

Quick Study "Spirit Of 44"

A couple of days ago I wrote that there may be some differences; some changes in the Quick Studies. As the Holy Spirit leads, changes may come!!!!
The Holy Spirit gave me a challenge to give my readers. For the last few days I continue to have the same thought numerous times a day. That thought being "Spirit Of 44." I realized we first see the Holy Spirit come unto man and the earth in Acts, which is the 44th book of the Bible. We as Christians so often neglect letting the Holy Spirit work in our lives and in our church's. The challenge that the Holy Spirit and I have for you is:

1. Take your time a read Acts while continually asking the Holy Spirit for revelation.

2. Take time to ask the Holy Spirit to give you direction for your lives.

3. Take time to study and seek the Holy Spirits wisdom and direction on your part in the church.

I spend a lot of time in the word. I find that I am constantly being drawn back to Acts. Whether I am cross referencing back to Acts or just going back to read it over again, the Holy Spirit continues to reveal more and more to me.

Take time this week to read the book of Acts. I promise you, if you let the Holy Spirit direct your reading, you will be given amazing revelations.

Scripture Reading The Book of Acts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Challenge! will definatly take it up.