
Thursday, December 13, 2007

God Love's A Cheerful Giver. . .

You know that feeling you get when you give someone in need something that they could use? Whether it is a gift of some sort, money, or a meal; you always feel good after you've blessed someone. You are filled with joy and cheer. God wants us to be givers. He wants us to be cheerful givers. We should be excited about giving to others. I used to hate helping others out, but yet expected them to help me. Until you fully understand the joy of giving and receiving, this will continue to be a negative experience. What I'm saying is that when we as Christians give cheerfully, the Father will reward us abundantly. He will bless us for our good works. It is a simple concept. He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly. But he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully. That's what makes giving so much fun. It is a joy to give when you know that you will receive.

Scripture Reading 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You guys should really read The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn. Erik and I recently read it and it is transforming the way we think about giving.