
Monday, January 15, 2007

Quick Study "Rejoice In The Lord"

Rejoice in the Lord, rejoice. This is something that we as Christians need to spend a lot more time doing. We need to get out of the mindset that rejoicing in the Lord is only for when something good happens in our lives. After what Jesus did for us on the cross, he deserves constant praise from His children. We are to live the blessed life while we are here. That in itself is reason for rejoicing. So start rejoicing in the Lord now!!!!! Don't wait until you get to heaven. We've been taught for years that we are to suffer while we are here. Once we are gone to heaven, then we can rejoice. NO WAY!!!!!! I don't buy that for a minute. I know we will suffer persecution from others, but that is no reason for us to stop rejoicing. So step up and take pride in your Heavenly Father. Rejoice in the mighty name of Jesus and give Him constant praise and honor.

Scripture Reading Phil. 4:4

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