
Saturday, January 06, 2007

Quick Study "We May Never Taste Death"

Thanks to the promise of Jesus returning to this world, we as Christians may never taste death. The more I think about it, I want to be faithful and obedient to the Lord. I want His promised blessing of protection and long life (Psalm 91). With that being said, I hope we are all able to experience the rapture. I don't want to die first; I want to experience it LIVE!!!!!! But until then, we have work to do. I don't want to experience the rapture knowing that their were others left behind. I want to bring as many as possible with me. I challenge you to think about this. Do you want anyone left behind? Let's get out and spread the word. Let's begin the harvest of souls.

Scripture Reading Matthew 16:27-28

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joel email erin she'll be able to fix this