
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Quick Study "How Good Is God?"

So many Christians and church's seem to be trying to focus on any negativity in the word, praising God one minute for His blessings and miracles, then blaming Him the next minute for the garbage in their lives. I am here to give you some powerful news. God is Good, ALL THE TIME!!!!! There's so much blame towards God when people become sick, broke, or die at a young age. These are just some examples. If this is how God works, why did He send His son to die for us? Actually, lets back up for a minute. Jesus was doing things for us when He was walking the earth. He was tempted by satan so that when we become tempted we have a way out. He was persecuted by non-believers; so when this happens to us, we have a way out. Well here's one that may open your eyes, it may even shock you. Jesus healed people, He did not make them sick. With that being said, when Jesus died he not only took the sins of the world upon himself; He took all sickness' and diseases upon himself, all poverty and lack upon himself. He died not only in the flesh, but in the spirit as well and spent three days separated from the Father. He did this all so that God's children would not have to go through this stuff. God is not double-minded. In fact, He does not like those who live double-minded lives. God is Good, which means He only wants good for His children. He can only do one or the other; make you sick or make you well. I heard someone say a while back that if it is God's will for us to be sick, then we shouldn't seek help to get better, or we would be going against His will. We need to start giving the Father credit for what He has done. We need to stop blaming Him and begin praising Him. We need to realize that their is an enemy out there looking for any possible entry point into your lives so that he can attack you with sickness, disease, poverty, lack, death, etc. GOD IS LOVE, and love doesn't cause harm or allow suffering.

"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may HAVE and ENJOY life, and have it in ABUNDANCE, TO THE FULL, TILL IT OVERFLOWS." John 10:10

Scripture Reading Isaiah 53:4-6, Psalm 103:1-5, John 10:10

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