
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Quick Study "Love For Others"

I've talked about loving our neighbors in many studies, but I believe it is something that we need to continue to learn about. As a Christian, this is the second of the new commandments that Jesus gives us. This has got to also be one of the hardest commandments for us a Christians to obey. So why do you think this is? Well first of all I believe that satan will use others against you. This is where suffering comes in. When we suffer for Christ, the suffering is the persecution that we are under from other people and the devil. This is why it is hard for us to walk in love. We are to be like God and He loves everyone, right? Well, I agree with this. We are to love everyone, even our enemies. There is only one enemy out there that neither God loves, or we love. We all know that I am talking about satan, the father of lies (So next time someone tries to tell you that God loves everyone, remind them that He does not love the devil.) This is why I believe the devil will use people against you. He wants us to get mad and hate the people around us. The devil wants us to be breaking commandments. That's his goal. He could care less about you. The devil wants to see you fail and fall away from God. I know its hard to love those around you at times, but do it anyway. You will be doing the right thing and God will be proud of you. The devil on the other hand, this will be driving him absolutely nuts!!!!! Next time someone is driving you to hate them, don't have hatred towards them, instead send that hatred back to the source; back to the devil. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the evil spirits in this world.

Scripture Reading 1 John 4:16, Luke 10:27, 1 Thess. 4:9,

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